Wellness Industry Should Focus on Oxidative Stress

Should the Wellness Industry Focus on Blood Oxidative Stress for Better Results?

The future of the Wellness Industry should focus on Oxidative Stress, since it affects more than 2/3 of adult Americans and many more around the World.  The primary source of Oxidative Stress is the blood.  Long-term, elevated levels of Blood Oxidative Stress or BLOS is thought to be an Asymptomatic Disease responsible for multiple health problems including Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, and a greater risk of Cancers.  In the United States, Oxidative Stress is responsible for an estimated $800B in annual health care costs.  The current Wellness Industry programs fail at delivering a return on investment (ROI), since they do not focus on the root cause of many modern health problems.

Wellness Industry Should Focus on Oxidative Stress

The Rand Corporation evaluated Wellness programs and identified two distinct offerings with different ROI.

1st Type: Make the Employee Feel Good

The traditional Wellness program offers employees a number of benefits that focus on improving morale with little if any ROI.  Encouraging employees to make healthier choices with respect to diet and exercise is great, but the financial gain is difficult to measure.  Does the employee’s Lifestyle Choices prevent major health care problems in the future?  This is a difficult question to answer, since weight or BMI are risk factors and not causes of health care problems.

2nd Type: Avoid the Emergency Room!

The second type of Wellness program focuses on identifying employees at risk of a major health problem.  For these employees, this wellness program is a disease management program that reduces the cost of intensive medical care (that means Emergency Room visit).  These plans don’t manage a disease.  Instead, they provide a strategy to avoid the high cost of a catastrophic event.  Periodic testing may reveal a significant change in the employee’s physiological state, which may lead to a major medical event (e.g., heart attack).  Immediate medical attention for this employee may prevent the medical event and reduce the overall health care costs.

Are There Only 2 Types of Wellness Programs?

Is this the best that we can do?  Should we wait for the cumulative effect of long-term poor Lifestyle Choices for an Asymptomatic Disease like Cardiovascular Disease to manifest as a major medical event?  Is there a better way to structure Wellness Programs?  Could there first type of Wellness Program that focuses on Life Style Choices be better with a ROI?  (of course, read on!)

Managing BLOS may be the key to an effective Wellness Program.

Since BLOS may cause multiple health problems including asymptomatic disease, such as heart disease, then it makes sense to manage BLOS.  Currently, the only inexpensive approach to managing BLOS is through the use of a Urine Oxidative Stress Test kit.  The measurement of Oxidative Stress in urine can never be a disease diagnostic, since it is not a measurement of the primary cause of Oxidative Stress.  The direct measurement of BLOS will be the only accepted method as a disease diagnostic for Oxidative Stress.  However, the Urine Oxidative Stress kit could be coupled with other tests like the iHeart Smart Diabetes Kit or CardioCheck Starter Cholesterol Analyzer Kit.  Together, these kits provide useful information on how Life Style Choices directly impact BLOS and critical bio-indicators used to monitor either Diabetes or Heart Disease.  This seems like a better approach than monitoring weight or BMI, which are only risk factors.

Health Hack for Life

The answers to these questions and more are in my new eBook, “Let’s Hack Oxidative Stress.”  In my eBook, I provide a simple strategy for using three lifestyle choices to reduce your Oxidative Stress and improve your health.  You need to measure your Oxidative Stress with a Urine Test Kit to monitor the progress of your Hack.  I have a collection of eBooks and Paperback Versions that describe general and custom Health Hacks.  The rest of the items needed for your Hack should be available at local stores.  However, there is a simpler way to gather up all of the products for your Hack.  Buy an Oxidative Stress Hack Kit from the Glixin Store!

CardioCheck Starter Cholesterol Analyzer Kit.  BLOS Hack Kits include an eBook or Paperback Version of my Strategy Guide, essential products for evaluating BLOS and other important bio-indicators of health.  Optional products may improve fitness and diet.In addition to my eBook, I identified several high quality products for your Hack.  I have already done the shopping for you!  I’ve designed two BLOS Health Hack Kits for Diabetes and Heart Disease.  There are Oxidative Stress Hack Kits for either gender in both Deluxe and Basic formats.  The Lite Oxidative Stress Hack Kit is for the health-conscious person that already has most of the items needed for the Hack.  Get your life back on track by getting a handle on Oxidative Stress.

Deluxe Oxidative Stress Hack Kits

These Deluxe Oxidative Stress Hack Kits include my eBook and everything that you need for your Hack.  All you need is your shoe size!  Each Deluxe Oxidative Stress Hack Kit includes all fitness equipment (shoes, heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor), three effective Antioxidant supplements, and the Urine Test Kit.

Men’s Deluxe Hack Kit

Women’s Deluxe Hack Kit

Basic Oxidative Stress Hack Kits

These Basic Oxidative Stress Hack Kits include my eBook and a few products that should be effective for your Hack.  Each Basic Oxidative Stress Hack Kit includes the fitness equipment (shoes, heart rate monitor), two effective Antioxidant supplements, and the Urine Test Kit.

Men’s Basic Hack Kit

Women’s Basic Hack Kit

Lite Hack Oxidative Stress Kit

The Lite Oxidative Stress Hack Kit provides my eBook and the Urine Test Kit to measure your Oxidative Stress.  Browse the Glixin Store for any individual products needed for your Hack.

For a modest investment, a Health Hack for Life is available.  Read my eBook, use the strategy, and share your Hack results.  It is that simple!

Return On Investment for Managing Oxidative Stress is Huge!

If you struggle with Type 2 Diabetes or Heart Disease, then you may be able to save thousands of dollars every year.  In addition to the medical cost savings, you’ll live a longer life.  Start up companies like Healthy Capital realize this potential and offer new Wellness Programs.   The Wellness Industry needs more creative programs to help folks.  A Wellness Program that features BLOS Management may be the key.  This approach reduces health care costs for the employee and employer.

BLOS Management Savings

As always, read my disclaimer and always consult with your physician before making any changes in your diet or fitness regime.

Click on the image below to download our Free Report on the Best Vitamin C Supplement for fighting Oxidative Stress.

Download Free Report of Top Vitamin C Supplements

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