Hemp Oil Benefits for Oxidative Stress in 2021

Can Hemp Seed Oil Reduce Blood Oxidative Stress?

The Green Revolution of Health Care produced numerous health products with more coming.  With concern over THC content, hempreneurs developed thousands of hemp seed oil products Several hundred hemp oil products are supplements, but are they effective against Blood Oxidative Stress?  It is well known that hemp oil contains high levels of Omega 3  essential fatty acid, which is important for cardiovascular health.  The use of hemp oil supplements as a rich source of antioxidants is not well known.

What is Blood Oxidative Stress or BLOS?

The primary source of Oxidative Stress in Americans is blood.  Blood Oxidative Stress or BLOS is a fraction of blood cells induced to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS).  High levels of ROS is Oxidative Stress.  It is thought that the Western Diet promotes BLOS, which afflicts more than 2/3 of adult Americans causing multiple health health problems.  BLOS isn’t just an American health problem, other countries that adopted the Western Diet also suffer from BLOS.

Have you had enough of BLOS
Western Diet could be the underlying cause of multiple health issues.

Better lifestyle choices including diet, effective fitness, and antioxidant supplements may be the key to fighting BLOS for improved health.  Several eBooks and Books are available that describe how to use custom strategies to Hack BLOS for Male Infertility, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Mental Illness.  Could Hemp Oil Supplements be an effective antioxidant supplement in these BLOS Health Hacks?

Hemp Seed Fights BLOS!
Hemp Seed is a rich source of Antioxidants for fighting Blood Oxidative Stress.

Antioxidant Supplements May Help Fight BLOS

Three of the top antioxidant supplements for reducing BLOS includes Vitamin E.  Hemp Oil supplements are rich in both Vitamin E and A, which are effective antioxidants.  So, hemp oil supplements should also be effective against BLOS.  Beyond antioxidant content, the format of the supplement matters.  Soft gel or capsule format is cost-effective for the vendor, but it limits effectiveness.  Microencapsulation may be the only way to provide sustained release of antioxidants for reducing BLOS.  HempOmega developed a microencapsulated hemp oil product for supplements and foods.  However, Amazon does not offer any of the HempOmega products.  I will update this blog post, if their products become available.

Supplements That Offer Hemp Oil Benefits for BLOS

After sifting through the thousands of hemp oil products offered on Amazon and reading their own Review Article, I found a few high quality products.  More than a thousand customers raved over the Manitoba Harvest soft gel productDeva Nutrition offers a Vegan friendly supplement in a capsule format.  The capsule format dissolves rapidly in the stomach releasing all of the contents (antioxidants), which will reduce Oxidative Stress for a short period (hours).  Lindens and Power Health offer expensive hemp oil supplements.  Therefore, the Manitoba Harvest soft gel product is your best value for hemp oil benefit with respect to antioxidants.  Keep an eye on Doylestown Hemp Products for new Hemp Products.

Chia, Flax, and Hemp Seeds

The big 3 of nutritional seeds are Chia, Flax, and Hemp.  All three are great sources of Omega 3 essential fatty acids and antioxidants.  However, it is unclear whether one has an advantage with respect to antioxidant capacity.  If I find the answer, then I’ll post it right here.

Glixin Store Offers A Variety of BLOS Hack Kits

If BLOS concerns you, then consider the purchase of a BLOS Hack Kit.  Check out the figure below for some ideas on other products to help you with your BLOS Hack.  Start with my Kindle eBook and then purchase any products that you need to complete your own BLOS Hack Kit.  Add high quality Hemp Oil Supplements to Green these BLOS Hack Kits.

Infographic describing the components of the BLOS Hack Kits Can Use Hemp Oil Supplements
BLOS Hack Kits include an eBook or Paperback Version of my Strategy Guide, essential products for evaluating BLOS and other important bio-indicators of health, and optional products to improve fitness and diet for Peak Life.

All revenue generated through the purchase of these products using the Amazon links on this website supports Blood Oxidative Stress Research. 


Click on the image below to download our Free Report on the Best Vitamin C Supplement for fighting Oxidative Stress.

Download Free Report of Top Vitamin C Supplements

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