Biopropane Production For Natural Gas Processors
Previously, I described three opportunities for generating BioPropane from BioGas. Each opportunity has the potential to generate RIN credits. There is commercial interest in BioPropane as an alternative transportation fuel. In this blog post, I describe two opportunities that use novel autotrophic microbes for BioPropane Production for Natural Gas Processors. Natural Gas Processor Opportunities Natural…
Biopropane Production From Biogas
This blog post provides a review of the different molecules and biomolecules in energy and green energy processes. I describe two opportunities that use novel autotrophic microbes for BioPropane Production from biogas. Growing Interest in BioPropane Production The growing trend of energy sustainability for reducing climate change increases the interest in novel processes for generating…
Three Ways to Generate More RNG
The growing trend of energy sustainability for reducing climate change increases the interest in generating renewable or green energy. Current interests focus on wind and solar energy. However, there is potential in renewable natural gas (RNG). Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) can be valuable for green energy. For example, a dairy waste anaerobic digester generates D5…
Are There Flaxseed Oil Benefits for Oxidative Stress?
The Green Revolution of Health Care produced numerous health products with more coming. With concern over THC content, hempreneurs developed thousands of hemp seed oil products. Several hundred hemp oil products are supplements, but are they effective against Blood Oxidative Stress? It is well known that hemp oil contains high levels of Omega 3 essential…
6 Types of Oxidative Stress Impact Your Health in 2021
Doctors will tell you about the numerous risk factors for chronic health conditions with little information on the underlying cause. Oxidative stress may be the cause of multiple chronic health conditions including heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and more. Let’s learn more about the six types of oxidative stress that impact your health in 2021.…
Does Oxidative Stress Cause The Widow Maker?
The Widow Maker is a heart attack caused by the blockage of the Left Anterior Descending (LAD) artery from long-term atherosclerosis. Doctors will tell you about the numerous risk factors for the Widow Maker. However, the underlying cause of local atherosclerosis is unknown. Let’s learn more about how oxidative stress may be the underlying cause…
Does Yogurt Generate Oxidative Stress?
Yogurt is delicious and thought to be healthy with live probiotic cultures that improve our gut microbiome and immune response. However, these bacterial cultures generate hydrogen peroxide. This is the principal compound of oxidative stress. Let’s learn more about how yogurt generates oxidative stress and the potential health implications. Streptococcus Generate Hydrogen Peroxide Streptococcus is…
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Coronavirus, Oxidative Stress, and You in 2021
Streptococcus is a diverse genus that plays a role in disease and food production. Streptococcus pneumoniae generates high levels of hydrogen peroxide. This is the principal compound associated with oxidative stress, which deserves our attention. Most bacteria use catalase for protection against hydrogen peroxide. However, Streptococcus has a mysterious response that includes the production of…
Learn How Oxidative Stress Impacts Aging in 2021
The Western lifestyle promotes rapid aging. The environmental insults, hygiene, and diet all promote aging of the human body. Numerous dietary and healthcare products may slow down or reverse aging. However, the science is complex. Oxidative stress is a new concern for aging and human health. Let’s learn how oxidative stress impacts aging. In addition,…